The construction industry is among the top industries of any nation that contribute greatly to the survival and sustenance of economic and infrastructural development. The rapid development of construction activities derives from the economic development of any nation (Tanko et al., 2020). Eze et al. (2017) described the industry as the economic prime mover and the bedrock of the survival of economies. Despite the immense importance of the industry in bringing about rapid growth and development, its activities have been confirmed to contribute to a very high level of accidents and fatality relative to other industries (Chen et al., 2020).
The industry has a long-standing poor performance record of health and safety. This has been blamed on the complexity, multiple stakeholders, dynamic operational environment, and organisational arrangements of construction projects, which have regularly resulted in accidents and injuries to workers (Chen et al., 2020). Odeyinka et al. (2006) submitted that hazards and risk control has been made more difficult due to the frequent dynamics in technology, construction techniques, construction materials, clients' demands, and work environment. Health and safety issues on construction sites are a global problem (Zhou et al., 2013), and this has given rise to poor project time, cost, and quality performance, with numerous claims and disputes. The occurrence of accidents could lead to a temporary stoppage of work, which could result in delays, damage to finished work, an increase in operating cost, and quality issues.
Like other developing countries of the world, the Nigerian construction industry is dominated by 78% indigenous small and medium-sized construction organisations (Tunji-Olayeni et al., 2018). These firms are predisposed to several forces both from their external and internal environments. The influence of these forces is more on the SMEs because of their characteristics and management style, which make them suffer higher HS deviance practices when compared to the large and mostly foreign multi-national construction organisations. The health and safety performance of construction organisations in the construction industry of Nigeria is poor.
Health and safety is relevant to all branches of industry, it is particularly important for the construction industry. It has always been a major issue as it is considered as among the most exposed sectors when it comes to occupational accidents. Although tremendous improvements have been made in health and safety performance in some countries, the construction industry continues to lag behind most other industries. This has been the experience within most countries. The reality is that the construction industry continually has injury and fatality statistics that make it one of the most dangerous industries in which to work predominantly in developing countries. As a result of the increasing number of accidents, the development and publication of standards and good engineering practices based on experience and codes started. In the UK for example, the generally accepted technical level is published in publicly accessible documents like official governmental publications, laws, directives and in standards, such as Health and Safety at Work Acts (HSWA, 1974). Based on occurred accidents, the technical weaknesses of the designs (such as poor use of codes, poor judgement because of lack of experience, etc.) were reduced by adding new requirements but after that it became apparent that many accidents still occurred and that the root causes of these accidents were hardly the result of technical failures but rather of the consequence of inadequate organisational issues (such as lack of adherence to standard health and safety rules or lack or poor communication within the company). Many studies for example (Hinze, 2002; Vredenburgh, 2002) have shown that health and safety improvements will only be achieved if workers change their behaviours and incentive schemes are implemented to motivate them. It is evident that these efforts are not sufficient truly to curb the occurrence of unsafe acts on construction sites. Accordingly, preventing occupational injuries and illness should be a primary concern for all employers and employees in the construction industry of any country.
This is evident in the submission of Okoye (2018). It was posited that in Nigeria, construction tradespeople are still being exposed to injuries, disease, and fatalities. In spite of the level of technological advancement and level of professionalism in the construction industries in this 21st century. Similarly, Williams (2019) confirmed that the spate of accidents and fatalities occurrences is still high in Nigeria. Furthermore, Umeokafor et al.(2014) found that HS provisions and conventions are poorly implemented, and Idoro (2008) accentuates that there is the absence of policies approved for HS in the construction industry of Nigeria, hence the need for this study.
Health and safety is of extreme importance within the construction industry as different construction operations take place at about the same time. This can be attributed to building project delivery dates agreed upon during bidding for construction jobs by building contractors. Health and safety is relevant to all branches of industry, a practice that is particularly imperative for the construction industry (Tunji-Olayeni et al., 2018). In advanced countries of the world, visibly improvements have since been made to mitigate site accident. This in turn cannot be completely said of Nigeria as the industry is blighted by reports of accidents on construction site with even the multinational companies falling prey of such distasteful occurrence. Construction managers over time have devised a cheaper means of employing laborers on casual or temporary basis. This is partly because they are not tied to any permanent employment contract which strips them of any benefit from the company or employer in term of insurance. As a result, the contractors do not feel responsible for any unfortunate occurrence in term of accidents that eventually befall the laborers. This in turn affect the productivity of such laborers as issues of life is taken first before work hence the evident defect seen in workmanship output especially in the Nigeria building industry.
Information about accidents in the Nigerian construction industry is also not properly documented. In view of this, this study seeks to investigate health and safety management on construction project site in a professional perspective.
The primary purpose of this study is to investigate health and safety management on construction project site in a professional perspective. Other objectives of this study are:
The undertaking of this study will be guided by the following research questions;
The following research hypotheses will validate this study:
H01: Construction owners or companies do not ensure health and safety management practices on construction project sites
H02: Construction workers do not practice health and safety management practices on construction project sites.
Health and safety of workers is a moral responsibility within our society that cannot only depend on productivity criteria within a particular company but can also have a serious consequence for individual workers, society and the nation as a whole. It is of the hope that the study would boost the morale of employees and ensure job security at all times by getting a better understanding of health and safety practices in the organisation. The study would also help the employees to comply with organisational health and safety standards which in the long run would reduce accidents and injuries at the workplace thereby increasing their performance and productivity.
This study would serve as the bases for increasing the awareness of health safety as well as identifying the weaknesses of the various strategies that employers adopt to enhance health and safety standards and recommend the possible ways of improving them. Employers would appreciate the cost of equipping employees with the right protective clothing and standards to ensure accident free environment.
Findings and recommendation offered should not only add to existing literature for academic purposes, but also provide useful insights and guidelines for enhancing the quality of health and safety among employees in organisations.
This study focuses on a professional perspective on health and safety management on construction project site. This study also focuses on determining the level of awareness of construction workers about health and safety management practices, determining whether construction owners or companies ensure health and safety management practices on construction project sites, determine whether construction workers practice health and safety management practices and examining the types of accidents that can occur on on construction project site due to lack of health and safety management practices.
Selected construction managers and workers of Craneburg Construction Company, Lagos State will serve as the respondents for this study.
The study has been limited by a number of factors notable among the limitations was our people’s poor reaction to research questions and reading meaning into any attempt at any form of interview.
Capital Restrains: This research cost the researcher capital transport fares, buying of materials and browsing the internet to obtain more points.
Ignorance: Most of the respondents were ignorant of giving out information demanded by the researcher, they were ignorant of the research purpose and thought it will be used for negative reasons.
Evasion of privacy: Some of the questions that was asked in this study appeared to be evading the privacy of the respondents, for this reason, the researcher did not get all the cooperation he requires in order to conduct a good research.
In order to ensure proper and easy understanding of what the study is all about to some people especially those that are not in the same discipline, some unfamiliar words used in the project are defined below:
Health and Safety: Occupational safety and health, also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety, occupational health, or occupational safety, is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work.
Construction industry: The construction industry is an industry involved in providing residential and nonresidential facilities of a country. It is a subset of the assembly industry that connects different useful components, not to a single individual but the country at large.
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